Magiclay Long legs beasty

Step 1: Thinking and Imagining

Discuss what sort of creatures could be considered minibeasts. Find visual stimulus and discuss. Use images to make a visual display. Also:

  1. Take a walk and look for insects and spiders. Talk about them eg what they use various body parts for, why they often look so vicious and why they are often colourful
  2. Collate images of insects and label the different body parts – wings, teeth, eyes etc.
  3. Analyse the different lines, shapes, colours and textures that make up an insect
  4. Make sketches of a variety of insects and their different body parts.
  5. Draw imaginary minibeasts

Step 2: Colour blending skills

  1. Always start with a ball rolled between palms of hands.
  2. The more you roll, the smoother the Magiclay will become
  3. The thinner the Magiclay, the more pliant it will be

Step 3: Modelling techniques & skills

Take a golf ball size piece of Magiclay. As you discover different ways of manipulating Magiclay, share your ideas, techniques and discoveries with others.

  1. Hands as tools
    With different parts of the hands, try squeezing, twisting, rolling, pinching, tearing/pulling, pressing to make different shapes; try joining and smoothing a surface. Think about or discuss what techniques and skills could be used to make different parts of a minibeast eg. the head, thorax, body and wings. What could be added to these pieces?
  2. Using tool set
    Create different lines, textures and patterns. Discuss which of these could be used on different parts of the minibeast eg. hole indentations could give the body texture.
  3. Using other tools
    Try cutting, trimming and fringing with a pair of scissors. Find other items that could be used as a tool eg poking a fork into Magiclay creates repeated indentations.
  4. Practise
    Make different minibeasts with the same pieces of Magiclay. Work quickly.